Friday, January 20, 2012


I've said this time and time again...teething is my punishment for everything I've ever done wrong in my life...some of you will relate...others of you can't understand the torement I go through with teething...and I hate you for that. Miles just doesn't handle the pain well at all...I feel like its never gonna end as soon as one tooth pops through another one is beginning..its absolute hell! I know i know he's in pain and I should feel bad and do whatever I can to comfort him through this time but damn it why is it taking so long! he got his first tooth at 6 months and now he's 14 months and we still have a bunch to go! How many days can I drug my child with tylenol? We get these brief moments where we get to see our sweet child again and then BAM another tooth and our sweet boy turns evil and bites and cries and won't sleep through the night! On top of it he had a cold then a tooth then another cold and now another tooth...will I ever see my sweet boy again? I've gotten lots of advice and "tricks" to help him through this process and honestly nothing works..or it works for 10 minutes and then its all over ...
Teething is evil and i honestly hate all of you that never expierenced this torture its just not fair? was I that bad in my life? why can't my kid be the one that deals with new teeth fine? I know all kids put everything in their mouth but he's nuts..its literally constant ...if he's not biting me or a toy or our dog (yes he even bites the dog and cats and luckily I have amazing animals that just take it) he's got the pacifier in his mouth...because of all this "putting things in his mouth addiction" I'm afraid he will never learn to talk..he just growls with whatever is in his mouth at that time...ugh is there a light at the end of this dark evil tunnel? God I hope so hes got about 4-5 teeth to go ..i can't really tell because if I try to look he instantly bites me and i've honestly become afraid of his mouth! he's like a rabid dog! I'm pretty sure he's getting 2 k9s right now which I hear are the worst...really? the worst? even worse than the molars? God help me if this is true I didn't know if I'd survive those damn molars...please be husband and I need a break and we so miss our sweet boy ...say a prayer we will make it out alive...xoxoxoxtrash
do you see the evilness in his face in the bottom one? this look scares the crap out of me!

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