Thursday, January 19, 2012

Miles' top ten favorite books

Miles is OBSESSED with books...I know most parents say this but honestly its his favorite thing to do....I have read him up to 20 books in one sitting and he still wanted more...sometimes I love that he  loves books  but sometimes reading the same book for the 100th time makes me feel crazy! He also doesn't like a new book unless I push reading it a few gets kind of's a few of his favorites:
A classic and most parents own this one...miles loves anything that has a moon in it...its a strange new obsession....some people probably love this book but I just find it annoying goodnight this goodnight that I have read this book a million times and I don't even have to look at it to read it...shouldn't there be useful things in the space this takes up in my brain?
and what kind of weirdo says goodnight to a comb? no wonder my kid wakes up and starts pointing a random things to say hi to ...i think its making him a weirdo
I couldn't even find this book online and I have no idea who gave it to us and I apologies to whoever got us this book but damn this one is annoying! This is probably miles' #1 favorite book and again I can recite it by heart....this bear is an idiot and doesn't realize that all his friends are throwing him a party even though they're carrying balloons and gifts...
at least this book is short ...

This book was totally written by a hippy's all about loving trees and stars and bugs...its a paper page book not a board book so its gotten really beat up and I can't wait til he destroys it...for all you tree huggers out there you will love this on the other no i don't

ok I guess I should say not all his books annoy me ...most yes they do but some I think are actually cute
My cousin sent this book to us and I actually love it its so cute and I made miles like it (yes since he's still very little I have learned that the more he sees something the more he likes it..its nice to be able to make him like what i like..i know it won't last long but for now i enjoy it)...its about a boy and a bear and berries....adora-blah

come on strawberry ponies? so cute...maybe because I grew up in the 80's and was obsessed with strawberry shortcake and my little ponies...this book i rarely get sick of

My mom got miles this book and its another one I like its a touch and feel book with tabs you can pull to make things move..miles tries to destroy it but i try really hard not to let him ..the pictures are cute and again its short

another classic I'm so sick of reading this but love the pictures we even got wall decals from this book and have turned it into a game ...miles has learned alot of animals from this book but we do read it too often....

the black sheep is his favorite

my best friend milk got miles this book because i hate space ( thats a whole other post) miles loves this book and has ripped bits off but still freaks when i take it out

this book is adora-blah and relatively new so I haven't gotten sick of it yet....yet....
miles just sits patiently until we get to the page where there's a picture of the moon and then gets excited
I wonder what he thinks the moon is...not sure but he literally freaks when he sees it anywhere!

My 17 year old goddaughter got miles this book and I'm obsessed with's so cool there's no words! it's just a bunch of different designs and each page is cut into 3 so you can create your own design

Its really cool ....I take care of my friends son who's 4 months old and I hold this book in front of him and he laughs at it...see everyone likes it!

ok this book is so sweet and a good friend of mine gave it to us and now I give it to every new baby thats born.  Most parents really like this book...miles mainly likes it because there's a freakin moon on every page...but I make him actually listen to the story instead of just finding the moon  ( which we did for months..and still if we don't say moon after he points to it he screams really loud)

so there you have it miles' top ten favorite far....I hope you know I do love that he loves books and even if I don't like them I still read my boy whatever book he wants...but I have gotten to the point where i'll hide the book for a week if I'm really sick of it and then I end up bringing it back out out of guilt.
hope you enjoyed my little book review...xoxoxotrash


  1. Yay! Grey made the blog :) Keep writing, this one made me smile.

  2. I was just going to ask Facebook for book recommendations for books for Jasper. I'm super bored with his and I need some new ones, thanks!
