Saturday, January 28, 2012

beautiful day

It was a beautiful day out today so I decided to take the boys (otis included) out for a walk. We just went around the neighborhood but Miles had a blast! We went to a small park around the corner and Miles ran around until he couldn't run anymore! He had so much fun and watching him enjoy the sundshine was the best part of my whole week! I hope all of you living in Connecticut took time out of your day to enjoy this weird spring like weather! Here's pictures of us having fun in the sun!
                                                   Getting Otis ready!
                                               Miles loved walking the dog!
we went over this red bridge over and over again...Miles thought it was so cool

                                                         damn he's cute.......
This is something i never saw in January in Connecticut! Will winter ever come?
Miles started freaking out when he saw this red truck..he literally was yelling on the top of his lungs!

They had a little "wish" pond and Miles loved throwing little stones and watching the water splash up...we had such a great afternoon .....Hope you ended up enjoying yours as much as we did ours!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a lot of fun! Miles really is a well dressed kid, I'll have to take your tip about Kawaii Kids.
