Thursday, January 19, 2012


ok I'm gonna be completely honest our bedtime routine is ridculous! ok not only our bedtime routine but also our naptime routine... I feel like when I ask other moms about bedtime its this wierd thing that nobody likes to talk everyone is embaressed about the strange things they do to get your toddler to sleep....or maybe it's just me...yea it's probably me.... I have always said whatever works I'm doing because by 7pm I'm so tired I can care less about whats best instead I do whatever I rock...yes I rock my giant 14 month old. When he was teenie I loved it ...I loved that time with him and I loved the closeness...well now its just crazy hes half the length of me and wieghs almost 30lbs! yes i somehow gave birth to a giant child! I introduced a lovie (blankie) at 4 months (i know they don't recommend it and yes I do know all the facts) which he still uses and on top of that he has a bunny...oh yea and a pacifier..i call it the trinity ..he will not sleep without those 3 items ...its nuts but kinda cute. At night I give him a bottle (yes I still have to hold the bottle even though he is more than capable but refuses) thats a whole other issue...but then after the bottle I stick the pacifier in and we lay on the couch until hes asleep....i rock, bounce and shake him to sleep every night (i know dont shake the baby!lol) oh yea and for every 2-3 times everyday I rock my giant child to sleep..Im beyond desperate to find another way. I've tried putting him in the crib and just leaving him doesnt work he will sit there, stand throw everything out of his crib and scream...I refuse to let my child scream himself to sleep and yes I realize that most people do this for a few days until they learn to fall asleep but I just can't do it. The sound of my child crying/ screaming kills me and makes me feel so guilty so I end up going in. Sometimes I try to just stand in there with him to let him know that its ok but I always end up back on the couch rocking him. I swear Im gonna be rocking him to sleep til he's 10! I also realize it's mainly me that miles probably could learn to sleep on his own but crossing over into that kinda makes my heart he doesn't need me anymore...I know Im crazy but I'm just being honest. I know some moms are gonna think Im an idiot or crazy or that I'm giving him issues because he will not learn comfort himself...blah blah blah but Miles is my first baby and I waited a long time to have him...... and isn't there a nice way to teach them to sleep without the crying and screaming? I go back and forth on what I should do and how to do it....but I always end up on the couch...ugh do you think i'm nuts? What do you do? why the hell do I do it if i'm embaressed? and why does this embaress me? oh the questions I have...this little bit has inspired me...I will be calling all the moms I know and ask them these questions...more bedtime/naptime posts to follow................... 
me and the boy.....this was christmas morning naptime...thats why I'm smiling this moment I was happy for the love....normally not so happy....
                                                                          the trinity

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