Thursday, January 19, 2012

Miles and Amber

                                                                         my niece Amber
Miles and Amber are cousins and best friends...They are so much fun to watch together and I'm so happy they will have each other growing up...there will be ALOT of posts about the two of them so I figured I'd start with a bunch of pictures of them over the past year....enjoy!

 this was the first time I was alone with the two of them...i was so nervous about watching both and being there for them both and it went so smoothly them............

           Ambers mommy set up a photo shoot of them ...nudie babe what more could you want!
                         Ambers first birthday! miles could barely sit up o his own yet even though hes a giant!
my first mother's day ...we went to the zoo in the morning..miles didnt care cause he was so little but it was so nice and I'll always remember it cause it was my first...........(thats ambers mommy with the babes..Im so lucky to have two amazing sister laws that are also two of my closest friends)

miles, amber and madeline...forever friends...
                                                                            the girls    
                                                at preschool...

                                                                        best friends                      we love amber and can't wait to see what kind of trouble these two will get in to....

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