Thursday, January 26, 2012

busy busy

Today was a busy day ...we had visitors all day and Mr Grey here...Both boys decided to poop at the same poop explosion...then after changing them both they both decided to poop again! Seriously! FOUR poops...FOUR! It was quite a smelly afternoon here at our house....Im so tired I can barely keep my eyes open ....thank god for my husband who is letting me have a bit of free time to write...he really is the best. Miss Madeline came by for a bit was sooooo good to see her!
      madeline loves our dog otis...she was laughing so hard everytime he kissed her
                                         she's so cute I can hardle stand it!
                                                  playing with cars in the hallway
Miles is in the bath and then I will give him a bottle and then I'm going to bed..I'm so beat.....I took a picture of my outfit today (it was quite a sight!) and will be posting what real moms wear very soon! xoxoxotrash

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