Monday, January 30, 2012

What a day...........

So Miles is teething and yes this is worse than the molars..ugh I really didn't think it could possibly be of course it is...Yesterday Miles had a fever pretty much all day and night and was tired and cranky and wouldn't really eat it was terrible. Today we had Grey and in the morning both boys did great but when afternoon hit it was all down hill...the fever came back..Grey screamed for an hour..which made Miles scream ...I burned dinner and got a splitting headache...oh what a day its been...I swear teething makes Miles bipolar second he's happy and laughing the next minute he's crying...then he gets mad...i never know what the next minute will bring...serious issues! I managed to salvage dinner and as soon as Mike got home Miles was happy...oh and Grey was only crying cause he was hungry..that boy can eat! I'm hopeing for a better day tomorrow...wish me luck!
ummm eww..i feel like my house is covered in drool and boogers

See bipolar! This happened in this order in a time span of about 20 minutes! serious issues!
after lunch I let him play with a bowl of water...its easy, cheap and keeps him busy for awhile...I just let him go nuts and when the bowl is empty its done...and yes he emptys all the water on my floor...but it kills two birds with one stone...he has fun and my floor gets clean!

                                                       Greyson approved!
look at that face...he's hysterical! Look at his outfit! lol I really picked out a good one!

I'm so glad todays almost over and I can sleep...well lets hope I can sleep...Miles teeth havent even broken through yet ugh....I HATE TEETHING!!!!! Hope you guys had a better day then I did...tomorrow we have Grey again and I have to think of some good things to entertain them with...a 4 month and 14 month old...hmmm any ideas???? My brains too dead...must sleep....xoxoxotrash

Saturday night with Madeline

Saturday night we hung out with Jess, Dan and Miss Madeline...The kids went nuts and had a great time!
I had to share some of the pictures from that night...they're amazing
                                                       look at Miles' face...amazing
                                                     I made chicken stir fry ..........
                        Miles decided strawberries was a better dinner
                                            They were loving yo gabba gabba
                                  I pulled out all the instruments and they rocked out!
                                                                       rockin out!LOL!
                                                    I told you they'd be amazing!
                                                                         so cute
                                                      that cheek is delicious
                                 It was so much fun watching them freak out together! Can't wait til we hang out again! xoxoxotrash

Saturday, January 28, 2012

kawii kids

I find it very very difficult to find really cute unique clothes for boys... I love dressing my kid..really I think I just love all kids clothes and love searching the web for clothing. So one day I found this site's a really cool site that has really unique things...some of the prices are a bit high but others are really fairly priced...unfortunately the shipping is crazy high since its coming from Australia ...but I have ordered things on here before and if you get a bunch of the sale stuff you can justify the cost of shipping... I ordered 4 pairs of these strechy pants and Miles has been wearing them since he was about 6 months old! When he was little they were a bit bunched at the ankle but they were still so cute! I also use cloth diaers and they are the perfect pant to go over the thick diaper..... plus they are really different and we like that!

Miles and Madeline over the summer...Miles is wearing a pair of those pants...i know its hard to see but theres an owl on his butt! So cute and the best part they were $12 each! Not bad for a pair of pants that he's been wearing for 8 months!

here's another pair...all of them are striped and they all have different things on the tush...they kinda feel like thick tights..i know what your thinking..footless tights on a boy? But they are meant for boys and they are really cute and wash well...ok now I'm just over selling them...I just really liked this website and had a good expierence with the things I bought so I figured I'd share...for those of you looking for something a bit different for your little ones.

these adorable pair of shoes are $27 ...I think Madeline may need these....

                      $16 and yes I think Miles will be rocking this next fall
This hoodies a bit much..its $45 but it has a freakin mask! too cool

This plate is $13 and its so cute...i think I may need this one too.....
Check out the site....its got some cute stuff!

beautiful day

It was a beautiful day out today so I decided to take the boys (otis included) out for a walk. We just went around the neighborhood but Miles had a blast! We went to a small park around the corner and Miles ran around until he couldn't run anymore! He had so much fun and watching him enjoy the sundshine was the best part of my whole week! I hope all of you living in Connecticut took time out of your day to enjoy this weird spring like weather! Here's pictures of us having fun in the sun!
                                                   Getting Otis ready!
                                               Miles loved walking the dog!
we went over this red bridge over and over again...Miles thought it was so cool

                                                         damn he's cute.......
This is something i never saw in January in Connecticut! Will winter ever come?
Miles started freaking out when he saw this red truck..he literally was yelling on the top of his lungs!

They had a little "wish" pond and Miles loved throwing little stones and watching the water splash up...we had such a great afternoon .....Hope you ended up enjoying yours as much as we did ours!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

busy busy

Today was a busy day ...we had visitors all day and Mr Grey here...Both boys decided to poop at the same poop explosion...then after changing them both they both decided to poop again! Seriously! FOUR poops...FOUR! It was quite a smelly afternoon here at our house....Im so tired I can barely keep my eyes open ....thank god for my husband who is letting me have a bit of free time to write...he really is the best. Miss Madeline came by for a bit was sooooo good to see her!
      madeline loves our dog otis...she was laughing so hard everytime he kissed her
                                         she's so cute I can hardle stand it!
                                                  playing with cars in the hallway
Miles is in the bath and then I will give him a bottle and then I'm going to bed..I'm so beat.....I took a picture of my outfit today (it was quite a sight!) and will be posting what real moms wear very soon! xoxoxotrash