Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Top 10.....

These are my top ten baby product list...these are things I really couldn't live without..or maybe I could but I'm glad I didn't.....

1.Tommee tippee baby bottles....I love these bottles ...first off they are cute and chubby...second they are so extra parts..the nipple looks like a boob...kind of more than the regular transition from breast to bottle was no big deal....Miles still uses these bottles and I honestly don't have one complaint about them...

this is one of the only times miles actually held his bottle..i still hold it..its nuts-o!

2. MAM Pacifiers...I went through probably every brand of pacifier and found that these popped out of his little newborn face alot less..theres alittle "skid proof" texture on the nipple which I think is the reason ..but who knows maybe he just liked the shape better...we still only use this brand and they come in cute colors and we even have glow in the dark ones which are great! Now we don't have to go in and find the pacifier for him..he can see them himself...perfect!

I know alot of parents don't use or like the pacifier but I honestly think of it as a blessing..I mean when my kid screams in public..its a mute button! Plus it helps during shots or temper tantrums...or when mommy has a headache...I'm all about I think they are so cute!

3. The Bumbo...The bumbo seat is an amazing invention and we used it constantly..I'd put him in it and stick him on the counter when I cooked...brought it in the bathroom when I had to pee..cause holding him and wiping just didn't work!lol! I use it with Grey all the time and I swear it's a life saver!

how cute are these! Miles still likes to sit in it but when he stands it gets stuck to his butt...its hilarious!

4. Moby wrap....My sister in law lent me hers (which I have to still return...sorry Mel) but I loved it ... I got a baby bjorn and hated it I was constantly afraid the snaps would pop open and it just didn't feel secure... The moby wrap can be tied a million different ways for however you need to hold your little one....I used it literally til Miles was one...and I have a huge kid! Next kid I'm sooo getting my own and in black...they come in every color imaginable .. the one I used was tan and made me feel kinda like I belonged in a Star Wars movie..but it still was a life saver!!!
                                                          Its so easy to tie too!

5. the Boppy pillow....I used this for breast feeding but I couldn't breast feed long (thats another post) but I used it all the time for tummy time and for when he started sitting up on his even if you don't breast feed I highly recommend it!
Miles hated tummy time til we started using the boppy..I swear it made a huge difference!

6. The Blankie....I knew that I was gonna introduce a blankie from the time I got pregnant..I always thought the little kids that carried a blankie were so cute! I bought 2 from angel dear (a great company) they have little animal heads at the top one was a horse and one was a frog..Miles did not like these..i tried really hard to get him attached but it just wasn't cousin Kristie sent us one from a company called Barefoot dreams............and he loved it! I think it has to do with the satin edge ..whatever the reason he loves it and still can't live without it! We ended up buying a back up and most of the time he's carrying both. I've talked about the "trinity" in another post but honestly the blankie is # 1...I love that it brings him instant comfort...its nice for when he goes somewhere without me..he has his blankie so he feels makes me feel better too.

Miles walks around with it in his mouth...I think he hangs out with the dog too much!

7.A bouncey seat...ok mine is a bright stars bouncey seat but any will do..Miles lived in this seat...we had sleep issues when he was first came home and he actually slept in this for the first few vibrates and sings the most annoying songs but that boy loved it. I never used a play pen because honestly my house is just too small and with the swing, the bassinet, the moses basket and the was just too much so this was great for when mommy needed a shower or mommy needed to cook and he was still too small for the bumbo and instead of dragging the play pen to peoples houses I'd just bring the seat and he would sleep in that! One less thing to drag around...if you like the play pen..well thats cool it just didn't fit our lifestyle...the bouncey seat was the perfect fit for us!

8. The Bundle me...if you have a fall/winter baby this thing is the best!! no jackets or snowsuits to deal with just one nice cozy pouch! Last winter was so cold and because he was born in November we had all these holiday parties to go to and I was so nervous about bringing my little baby out in the cold... this made me feel better about it all...its so warm and fuzzy on the inside I want one for me! It hasn't been as cold this year so we haven't had to use it and its a bit tight but if we needed it it would still work!

9.Sophie the Giraffe....I know its crazy to spend $22 or however much it costs now for a rubber giraffe but I swear its worth it. The texture makes it easy for them to grip  plus theres tons to chew on...the ears..the face...the feet! Miles was OBSESSED with it! He started teething at 6 months and this worked so much better than any of the water filled after they get a few teeth they don't recommend using the ones with water in them cause they could pop ...with sophie you didn't have to Grey uses Sophie and he really enjoys her too! Plus its freakin adora-blah!

                                                            WE LOVE SOPHIE!!!
10. The Beaba...I was so excited to start feeding Miles food..seriously I couldn't wait! My mother in law bought us the Beaba and it was the best gift ever! I used it constantly and it was so easy to use and clean..which to me is the most important part...I mean after making all the food who the hell wants to clean! I would just take it and stick it in the dishwasher and thats it! Making your own babyfood seems like a pain in the ass but honestly with the Beaba its so steams it perfectly and blends it in the same thing so you only need the one machine to make all your babys food. Plus its cheaper....1 packet of organic applesauce costs anywhere from $1.39-$1.80 and you get a bag of apples for $1.59 a pound (usually) if you go to a farm it could be a bit more but seriously 2 apples is like 4 meals for your baby when they start me it made sense plus how does that babyfood in the jars stay good for so long...I remember buying carrots in a jar for Miles and then making fresh carrots in the Beaba and I couldn't believe the difference..I mean the carrots in the jar were this weird orange color and the carrots I made were bright orange the way carrots are suppose to look. Also babyfood usually has water added or most organic jarred food has lemon me I wanted Miles to try carrots not lemon carrots..yuck! Anyway I understand everyones life is different and for some people making babyfood is not a priority but I'm telling you the Beaba is sooooo easy and makes you feel good about what your giving your baby...I mean you only have a short amount of time where you can control what they eat...because soon it will be chicken nuggets and grilled do your baby a favor and get a damn Beaba!
Ok well thats my list ...I seriously couldn't live without these...they made my first year with my son so much better and easier! Hope it helps some of you out...and if theres things you think I missed out on...please let me product info is always and very much welcome!


  1. I'm so glad he ended up loving his blankie :) Naomi loves the satin part on her lovies as well, she rubs that part against her face over and over again to put herself to sleep at night. She likes the Aden and Anais Issies and her one from Bunnies By The Bay. And I agree I love the Beaba it makes cooking babyfood a breeze and easy cleanup. Great list!!

  2. I can't wait to get these bottles for the next baby. I hate cleaning all of the parts to my bottles...I've have raw hands for the past year!
