Wednesday, February 1, 2012


ok this week has been hellish so far...teething ...need i say more...anyway my cousin told me about pintrest its a really cool website and I dont completely understand it but I'm OBSESSED with looking through all the pictures ...Ive already collected a ton of them and since I haven't had time for a real post I figured I'd at least share a few of them...and I promise to post a real post soon ...well as soon as I have more than 5 minutes to get one up.....anyway check out pintrest and hope you enjoy some of the pictures Ive found on there
                        cheesecake filled strawberries...I MUST make these
                                                                    love these
                                                                 want this floor
                                                                      so pretty
                           great idea for an old crib...might have to do this someday
                                                                     cool idea
                                                       jello/cool whip cloud dessert
                                            frozen strawberries dipped in yogurt
i want this so badly...if I have another baby I am making my brother make us this!

                                                                        so cool
                                  I think Miles needs this bed...with boy sheets of course!
ok maybe he needs this bed instead...If I was little this would be my dream bed

well I have a few more but I'll save them for another time plus Miles is about to melt down so I'm off.....


  1. I love this piano, and that floor!!! but no blue jello for me lol...If I'm ever rich I want you to be my interior decorator

  2. me too! I knew you would hate the blue jello!lol
