Friday, February 24, 2012

fun friday

Today was a really good day..we spent the morning with melody, amber and my mother in law..we went to the westport YMCA for this open costs $10 and I think its open from 930-1130...its basically a padded room with big padded blocks the kids can jump around on they have tubes to crawl through and little was great the kids played around for about an hour then we took them to the diner. after they both passed out in the car...when we got home i took him out of the car seat changed his diaper, took off his shoes and put him in bed...he slept through all of it! it was pretty amazing! I got to do lots of posts..answer some emails and pin on pintrest! yes! miles slept for like 2 hours then woke up ready to play! we pretty much played with every toy we have then watched alittle mary poppins which miles actually sits through! its so strange really..we got all these disney movies 101 Dalmatians, jungle book, snow white and a bunch more but he only sits and watches mary poppins...maybe its the singing or the fact that its actual people and not a cartoon...whatever it is it mesmerizes him! then during the movie i pulled out the good old rice tray for some digging and added some black beans...rice and beans! he tried eating the beans of course but spit them out right away...he is now eating with daddy and very content! I say that's a pretty good day...grant it i literally got no cleaning done but it was fun! oh and how weird it freakin snowed this is going on with the makes no sense! we didn't go out and play cause it was really cold and wet..but miles did stand at the front door looking at it saying "cooooo" (cool) it was pretty darn cute! Hope you all had a fun friday too!
um yes he is wearing a bath robe...and its ridiculously cute...and he actually keeps it on...grant it its only the second time he's worn it but i was so happy that my husband stuck it on him this morning....too freakin cute

putting big bird and cookie monster in this basket made him crack up! why? i have no clue

mike handed miles his bottle and he actually drank some  himself...this is the first time he has done this..he makes us hold it for him and we do mostly because we like it...but i was amazed seeing him walking around drinking it all by himself..i can't believe how big he has gotten kinda makes my heart hurt..i know im insane

                                                                  at the ymca
                                                    AMBER!!! I freakin love this kid!
this was too funny...two best cousin friends past out cold!

                                                      these two are delicious
please don't judge miles on his outfit..i know its beyond horrible..i have no excuse..its just awful

                                                                     jammin out
                                               watching mary poppins..oh my this outfit is just unfortunate...poor kid
                                                          rice and beans
                                                           eating a bean..nasty
so much friday fun! miles is in his 4th outfit of the day right now playing with his zoo nice and quietly...i'm hoping he goes down easy tonight..that would just make this day pretty close to perfect...wish us luck! xoxotrash

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