Thursday, June 14, 2012

mother's day

we had a pretty good mother's day weekend...i actually learned a lot about myself and the kind of mother i want to be for my son....i want to be more patient, kind, forgiving...i want to be fun, close, understanding....i want to always be there for him no matter what he does good or bad....i want our home and family to be his safe place...the place he goes when he has happy news or sad news...i want him to always always know that i love him and that i will do anything i can to make his life happy and safe....i realized how lucky i am to have my matter what choices i've made ....some good ...some mom (and dad) are always here for me...they might not agree with my choices but they love me regardless of them...they gave me space to grow in to myself while still giving me guidelines of what they expected...but if i made a bad choice i always knew they'd forgive me hug me and love me.....i talk to my mom multiple times a day....everyday...and i really appreciate her ...all she has done for me ...for mike and especially miles...he loves his nana and she loves him and for the first time in my life  i see her through new eyes...i see her strength her beauty and her love.....shes a great mom that i know i can always count on...and i just felt really blessed that weekend...i planted flowers while mike and miles played in the backyard...then went to my moms and spent time with my family eating food and watching the kids run around the was simple and sweet .....i just hope one day miles feels the same about me as i do about my mom ...thankfully i had great teachers sister has three children who are all crazy seriously good sister is a great mom and i strive to be more like her everyday in hopes that my kid can turn out as good as her mother's day for me was sitting back and really appreciating who i have in my life and all the love i was surrounded by
xoxoxo trash

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