Thursday, June 14, 2012

memorial day

so im playing catch up today...i've been working on these posts the last couple of days in hopes that it will inspire me to push forward and not give up on this blog...i just get caught up in life and all its ups and downs that when miles is finally asleep i barely have enough energy to watch a movie...but because all of lifes issues that have been coming up the last couple months i realized im wasting time and need to to get off my butt and do something for myself...i need some kind of outlet or these issues will consume my world...and i refuse to let it so...i've been going back and looking at all we did the last couple months and it inspired me to share some of the sweet moments i captured...and here i am trying to get any minute i have to sit at my computer and write and photoshop...the things i really enjoy.... memorial day came and went and it was a really laid back day i wanted to revisit...we woke up and went downtown fairfield to see the parade...we met melody, phil and miss amber there and the kids loved was hot like usual and both kids held up their little flags and cheered as the firetrucks, police motorcycles and marching bands that marched down post road....for miles it was heaven...he loves flags (yes i know thats stange and im not sure why he loves them but he does) he loves fire trucks,police cars, motorcycles and pretty much any car so for him it was awesome....after the parade he napped and woke up to his little swimming pool waiting for was the first time this year we pulled it out and he couldn't get enough we spent the afternoon and most of the evening enjoying the water and running around the was great and relaxing and exactly what me and mike needed.....
                                                   how cute is she...with her pom pom!!!
                                                  his eyes lit up when he saw the fire trucks!
                                                           kiddos with their daddys
at the fairfield parade they have guys with carts selling balloons, noise makers, flags and other goodies for the kids so we got miles this superman balloon!
we have this flag that we bought as a memorial to mikes grandfather...we stuck it out back for the day so miles could enjoy it since he loves flags....he had a blast that afternoon...splashing around like a little fish...

i havent gotten him a bathing suit yet so i had him in little cute

he played with that flag for two days until i finally made mike take it down and put it away...we will be breaking it out again for the fourth of july but since its in memory for his granfather i dont want it to get ruined....theres a little tag hanging from it with his granfathers to us its special and want to take good care of it...but miles sure did like it! it was also our 6 year anniversary that weekend so we were really enjoying time with just our little family ....i can't believe it has already been 6 years! and in october its our anniversary of when we started dating and its gonna be 12 years!! crazy! xoxoxo trash

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