Friday, March 23, 2012

beach day

i know i promised more posts but life has just been getting in the way lately...its been so warm out this week that we literally have been spending all day and into the night outside...miles has been in heaven! we took out the sand table my brother got for us and bought lots of new sand toys ....its been so still working on my gardens...i have about a million more bushes to dig up and replant...its a complete pain in the ass! actually a pain in my back! it sucks but in the end i know i'll be so happy i did it....last weekend it was 75 degrees out and we decided to go spend the afternoon on the beach...we met jess, dan, miss madeline and jacob at the sand castles park in fairfield and then walked over to the beach...we ate watermelon in the sunshine..played in the sand...and played with lots of dogs and even 4 horses!! miles and madeline loved it! they ate sand and shells and tried desperately to jump in the freezing cold water....never in my whole life have i ever remembered having a day like that in march here in CT...its strange and beautiful but kinda freaky too! i mean its usually cold and rainy and sometimes even snowy...its so freaky but really nice too.....anyway i took a few pics and needed to share them...recipe posts to follow...i really promise this time!
madeline sat under here playing with wood chips...she was so sweet and quiet i had to capture this moment to remember ...i can sit and watch her play forever...shes so gentle and sweet i can hardly handle it!

                                                                    swing addict
beach fun! miles wouldn't put his feet in the was hilarious! i kept making him put them down and he'd just lift them right back up! it grossed him out...hopefully after a few more trips he will learn to love it

                                                              walking with daddy
                                                        diggin in the wet sand
                                         daddys boy...walkin to see the horses
i think miles was confused about the s the first one he has ever seen!
                                                                pretty in pink
we had such a great time and can't wait til the water is warm so the kiddos can jump and splash! this is gonna be the best summer ever! xoxoxtrash

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