Thursday, March 29, 2012

what miles eats

heres another post on what my boy eats! this week the teething at our house is hellish ...its always something! but these teeth are giving my kid a runny nose, a cough, diaper rash and a poor boy hardly moved the fevers still here but at least hes actually eating and drinking a bit more then yesterday...ugh anyway hes napping finally so i decided to come on over to blogland and post alittle something...enjoy!
yogurt with blueberries, half a banana and a blueberry muffin

yogurt with blackberries, zucchini bread (made by my mom), and banana

                      garlic lemon chicken, cucumbers and an onion roll
                           yogurt and strawberries, blueberry muffin and kix cereal
i made this with phyllo dough ham, swiss cheese and mustard ..served with apple slices it was delicious!

                                                                   miles loved it!
yogurt with blueberries, strawberries and bananas, and a roll with peanut butter

chicken legs, mashed sweet potatoes, cucumbers, left over strawberries and bananas from breakfast and a drinkable smoothie yogurt thing that miles is obsessed with!

purple potatoes with dill, broccoli, fried onions and mushroom (miles' favorite), pork chops and cucumbers

ok again its alot of gonna try really hard to add lunches and dinners...oh and snacks...but you know how it is..busy busy! anyway madelines mommy has been taking pictures of what madeline stay tuned! (see now that i wrote this jess you have to email them to me :) xoxoxotrash

Saturday, March 24, 2012

crock pot oatmeal

we aren't big oatmeal people but have been trying hard to get miles to eat it...i found this great recipe for overnight crock pot oatmeal and it ended up pretty good! the best part was waking up to a hot breakfast!! miles wasn't too crazy about it but i loved it..i'm hoping the more i make it the better he will like it..hopefully.... he's just not a mushy food kind of guy...even  when he was a wee babe he never really liked baby food it had to have some texture for him to really enjoy it....what a strange little one i have...anyway now that its warm i don't know how appealing a bowl of hot oatmeal is but save this recipe for a rainy day or fall time...hope you enjoy!

You will need: 1 cup steel cut oats (not quick oats!)
                       4 cups water
                       1/2 cup milk
                       1/4 cup brown sugar
                        1 TBSP butter
                       1/2 tsp vanilla extract (i actually ran out of vanilla so i added 1 TBSP maple syrup)
                       1 tsp cinnamon

                                                               steel cut oats

                                                                    brown sugar COMBINE EVERYTHING IN CROCK POT
oatmeal isn't the best food to photograph so i didn't take too many looked gross but i swear it was yummy!

                                                    cook on low for 8 hours
serve with milk and butter...and any other topping you like...we added a bit more cinnamon and raisins...but add whatever you like on yours...hope you give this one a try!

Friday, March 23, 2012

bad for you snack of the day

 i love any kind of bready food...sweet really doesn't matter and yes it can be a problem...especially since summers just around the corner....but last week i made these awesome stuffed crescent rolls ...they were so yummy and had to share....even miles (mr picky) ate them right up!

what you will need: crescent roll dough
                              shredded cheddar cheese
                              precooked bacon (the microwavable kind)
                              kale ...see one healthy ingredient!
                              green onions

take the kale and spread it on a baking sheet...drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper...broil for a few minutes til edges are a bit browned

place crescent roll on baking sheet...put cheese, kale bacon (don't microwave the bacon it will crisp up in oven) then a few green onions (i like the white part but if you don't like it that strong just use the green part)
roll like a regular crescent roll...bake according to package directions...and its done!

yum! this is a great party treat...but we just ate it at snack time!

you can stuff crescent rolls with invention ever..especially if you're like me and can't bake... people will think you worked really hard on it and its actually so simple...try it i swear you will  thank me!

beach day

i know i promised more posts but life has just been getting in the way lately...its been so warm out this week that we literally have been spending all day and into the night outside...miles has been in heaven! we took out the sand table my brother got for us and bought lots of new sand toys ....its been so still working on my gardens...i have about a million more bushes to dig up and replant...its a complete pain in the ass! actually a pain in my back! it sucks but in the end i know i'll be so happy i did it....last weekend it was 75 degrees out and we decided to go spend the afternoon on the beach...we met jess, dan, miss madeline and jacob at the sand castles park in fairfield and then walked over to the beach...we ate watermelon in the sunshine..played in the sand...and played with lots of dogs and even 4 horses!! miles and madeline loved it! they ate sand and shells and tried desperately to jump in the freezing cold water....never in my whole life have i ever remembered having a day like that in march here in CT...its strange and beautiful but kinda freaky too! i mean its usually cold and rainy and sometimes even snowy...its so freaky but really nice too.....anyway i took a few pics and needed to share them...recipe posts to follow...i really promise this time!
madeline sat under here playing with wood chips...she was so sweet and quiet i had to capture this moment to remember ...i can sit and watch her play forever...shes so gentle and sweet i can hardly handle it!

                                                                    swing addict
beach fun! miles wouldn't put his feet in the was hilarious! i kept making him put them down and he'd just lift them right back up! it grossed him out...hopefully after a few more trips he will learn to love it

                                                              walking with daddy
                                                        diggin in the wet sand
                                         daddys boy...walkin to see the horses
i think miles was confused about the s the first one he has ever seen!
                                                                pretty in pink
we had such a great time and can't wait til the water is warm so the kiddos can jump and splash! this is gonna be the best summer ever! xoxoxtrash

Thursday, March 15, 2012

library books

we love the library at our house! if you haven't had a chance to check out the fairfield library so need to! its the most adorable library I've ever seen...miles freakin loves that place....we take out books every week or so and figured id share a few of our favorites! check them out if you get a chance....
all abc books are pretty much the same so i was so excited to find this one! the pictures are really cool and its not the same old..a is for apple crap every other book has....

my sister ashley taught miles to say open..its freakin adorable he says it!

we have one of these books about the potty...but i think i may need to buy this one since my kid love his pacifier!

i love the pictures in this book..very vintage...miles isn't too crazy about it..but tolerates it for me :)

miles is a biter! so i thought this would be a good choice...he hates this book because he doesn't like when you tell him not to bite...figures...

not only does miles like to bite but hes also obsessed with brushing his teeth...he literally brushes them 6 times a day! hes crazy about this book...or any book about brushing your teeth...maybe he'll be a dentist when he grows up!

this one is super cute and has different places around NYC....a great gift for anyone you know living in NYC with a babe....

we love eric carle books in our house and never saw this one before! as you know my kid loves the moon! so this is definitely a buy! it has really cool pages that open up...hes obsessed!

Now that going to the library is a regular thing for our family ill be posting more about good books we take out! hope you guys get a chance to check out the fairfield library and some of these books! xoxoxtrash